Sunday, November 9, 2008

Go Utes! 10-0

November 6 was the Utes vs. TCU game. It was one of those games that have you at the end of your seat the entire fourth quarter! We trailed TCU 3 to 10 almost the whole game then by the hair of our teeth pulled off the win in the last minutes of the game. All i can say is that i froze my ass off so a win certainly made it worth it!

This is our "black out" game, we were all suppose to wear black, this is why you see hardly any red..

I had on long johns and 2 pairs of socks under my jeans, a tank top, 2 shirts, 2 jackets, a coat, mittens, a hat, hand and toe warmers. Amy had on a turtle neck, fleece jacket, some fuzzy kind of pants, and a pair of my mittens... who looks colder? It makes no sense! I don't think she ever gets cold!

The fans rushing the field.

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