Monday, April 6, 2009

Coming Home...

Of course whenever we leave town I always have to prepare myself for what condition my house will be in when we return. The saying that comes to mind is: "When the cat's away, the mice will play". That is what happens, they completely mess up our house. The thing is, they don't clean before we get home. It's so bad. Then I have a meltdown, and Mike had to try to damage control. Here are some pics so you know what I'm talking about:

This is a shot glass from my sake set they broke

This is their random clothes and junk they let upstairs

This is all the stuff all over the counter top

They didn't do any dishes, which is a common occurrence, mostly when the dishwasher is full of clean dishes and no one wants to put them away. This time however, the dishwasher was empty, they were just too lazy to take care of them. Mike was the one who eventually did most of them, the casserole dish and yellow bowl are STILL sitting by the sink though, and have yet to be washed.

These were french fries that were around the garbage cans. Apparently they couldn't make it all the way to the garbage? And couldn't get picked up?
Our kitchen garbage was full, but not taken out. There are burn marks on our kitchen table. The counter tops on the bar were filthy sticky. I mean, seriously, its gross. I just have to remember that soon they will be gone. I cannot wait until this weekend when they are gone and i can clean my house and it will actually stay clean! 5 More days and counting!


MikeE said...

Apparently Friday is the last day! Hoorah!!

Jen said...

Wow. Nice to come home to! So glad they will be gone this weekend.