Thursday, July 22, 2010

Steak dinner

My Uncle Thomi donates platelets, and now my mom and Aunt Theresa do too. They can do it more often than you can donate whole blood so they go sometimes as often as once a week. (If they donate like 24 times a year or something they get invited to a special Red Cross dinner so they always try to go at least every other week). You still have to have a high enough hemoglobin (iron level) as well as a high enough platelet count to donate though and my mom is convinced that if she eats steak and broccoli the night before she donates, that it will make her iron levels high enough. I tried to tell her she can't do anything to raise her platelet count but my aunt has her convinced that if she eats salmon it will increase her levels, however she has yet to try it, she hates fish! So she takes her iron and eats high-iron foods without fail since at least she can work on her hemoglobin. We often accompany her to these pre-platelet donation dinners. Sizzler has become a regular. Mike loves going there for the Sizzler toast. This last time Cody and Mac met us there too.

He gets a big kick out of feeding us, since we are always feeding him.

My mom doesn't like these cookies but Mckaius didn't care, he wanted her to eat them!

Father and son in their matching plaid shorts, they are so cute. My brother is such a cute little dad!

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