Have you met my boyfriend Mike? I certainly saw a side of him that I'd never met before this past Christmas. He hates the holiday. I try to get in the spirit with decorations and festive music and movies but he never fully get there. So I was surprised when he started giving me these little gifts leading up to the big day with these super cute rhymes that he'd made up himself.
The first day of Christmas:
Twas the first day of Christmas and all through our house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse,
‘Cept suddenly some little soul did appear,
It is your Christmas love, bringing you cheer.
Today calls for a partridge in your pear tree,
But partridges are tough to catch, as we came to see.
So how ‘bout fresh pears, in place of the tree.
These pears are quite tasty, or so we will see.
At which point I was presented with 2 delicious pears.
The second day of Christmas:
Tonight you have turtles and doves coming your way,
So relax, enjoy and eat all the chocolate you may.
Because in your house you have quite a few,
I’ve left in this package more than just two.
In this one I got 2 bags of dove chocolates with turtle chocolates taped on top of each one.
The third day of Christmas:
Night three arrives, but we’re not in France,
And three French hens don’t come by chance.
So take these gift cards, and buy the large size,
You’re off to McDonalds to enjoy some French fries.
The fourth day of Christmas:
Four calling birds were not easy to find,
So I really found myself in quite the bind.
The holidays get busy and crazy we know,
So I thought you’d enjoy this candy and a show.
This gift consisted of a gift card to the local movie theater and a HUGE bag of M&Ms.
The fifth day of Christmas:
On the fifth day of Christmas, gold rings are called for,
But I wanted to leave something which would be no bore.
Gold rings for each finger are just no fun,
So enjoy these sweet donuts and eat till they’re none.
This one fell on the weekend and he dad sneakily got up before me and got a box of Krispy creams and put 5 in a pan and wrapped them for me to open.
The sixth day of Christmas:
Six geese a laying, an interesting sight.
One of them squawked, and they all took flight
A sixth night of birds would not have brought cheer
So for merriment and laughter, what could possible top beer?
When I opened this one I got a six pack of delicious bottled root beer :)
The seventh day of Christmas:
Seven swans-a-swimming, you can’t be for real,
The swans swam south, you know the deal.
So get ready to watch, as this next gift can sparkle
It surely is better than a big lump of charcoal!
This present was the Twilight movie Eclipse. Basically the only thing Mike knows about twilight is that the vampires sparkle in the sun (which he thinks is absurd and I don’t blame him) but I pointed out how the whole swan thing should’ve given it away for me to know what it is too: Bella Swan duh! But that seemed to be total coincidence because Mike doesn’t know the character names that well.
The eighth day of Christmas:
I have found the eight maids, they were milking away
I know that the milk doesn’t help you feel gay
The best part of pizza is the top made with cheese
So do yourself a favor and call for delivery please!
As everyone knows, I am lactose intolerant. But I can tolerate processed dairy, like cheese thank goodness. This gift was a gift card for yummy Papa John’s pizza.
The ninth day of Christmas:
Nine ladies dancing would be a big crowd
Besides that their music is just way too loud
So to help with the music, and all of the noise
I’ve got you MP3s to fulfill all your joys.
I’ve often complained about my iPod, it’s like second generation and older than dirt. But being practical, I couldn’t just buy a new one while it worked just fine. So Mike bought me a brand new iPod with the most memory possible, so now I’m set!
The tenth day of Christmas:
Ten lords-a-leaping would be quite a site
This next gift will surely help you jump to great height
Leaping around in this garment, you’ll look quite divine
So pull on these pants, one leg at a time.
As you probably guessed, this gift was new jeans.
The eleventh day of Christmas:
Those eleven pipers piping where busy piping on some plumbing
Which left me without a gift and often humming
I’ve gotten U something to show your true color
You know who will be jealous… your mother.
This gift is the most surprising for me. I’ve wanted one of these for a long time but by the time I got around to buying one, the store that makes them was going out of business and didn’t have any left. I was SUPER bummed. But somehow Mike came through and found me one. It’s a large U with lights on it for the University of Utah.
The twelfth day of Christmas:
The 12th night the drummers, and of course Christmas Day,
Santa has come and has what else is there to say
I've had so much fun, and I hope you have to,
So on Christmas Eve, this is my last gift to you.
This one was a new stereo for my car, one that has a USB and AUX plug so I can listen to my iPod in my car without the hassle and static that accompanies the FM transmitter.
It was so much fun for me and him too I think. It was an awesome Christmas season and isn’t Mike just the cutest!?!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago