Saturday, April 18, 2009

Now That They're Gone

It has been a week since the awful roommates moved out and I'm still in clean mode but it's very nice to clean and have things stay clean.
Our friend Dustin is helping to fix the burn marks that they burned into our table:

They didn't really fix the mess in the bathroom but cleaned most of it. The grout is most likely permanently stained and the walls were gross. It's looking alot better now that Mike deep cleaned it today. This is what the shower looked like before they moved out.

Parker is our only roommate now. I think Parker is great, i think this is because he is the same as me. He grew up with the same cleanliness expectations that i did. He is very clean. We like the same foods even. So he's one of Mike's best friends and he is like me, this is why he is the ideal roommate. He even loves Ando (he went with us to pick him out) and helps take care of him. If we could find other people who were like Parker we could have more roommates!
This is Parker. (He has some Ace Venture crazy hair in this pic.) We love you Parker!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I cant believe the shower picture. GROSS! I'm so glad you can have a clean house again and no stress.