Monday, October 25, 2010

Parker's Birthday

Parker's Bday was way back at the end of August but I thought I'd catch my blog up a bit. Parker is one of our roommates so his birthday was cause for celebration. He wanted to get some yummy dinner and drinks at Hoppers and then hit Liquid Joes for the always fun Spazmatics.

Happy Birthday Parker!

Jill and Taylor

Mike and Beansy (aka Nick)

Me and Mike

Yeah, I'm rocking the side ponytail. It's 80s music after all

I LOVE the Spazmatics! When I'm there having a blast I think to myself, "why dont I do this more often?" then the next morning I realize why: it takes all day recovering on the couch feeling horrible and a $60 bar tab, not to mention the purging that happens after I consume most of that $60 bar tab.. This is why I limit my going out to special occasions, I obviously can't control myself.
PS I still dont know a good way to rid the redeye on photos so you get to deal with out creepy eyes in these pics! :)

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