Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Roommate!

I have a new roommate! Well, he's not really new, he's been here for a while... I just haven't had time to blog.

This is Nick

He is a friend that Mike and Parker met online in the world of computer games. He's gone on vacation with us, come to visit, Mike and Parker have gone to visit him, we've known him for a while and he's a pretty normal individual. (I just have to emphasize this because if I just say that we found him on the internet it makes him sound creepy). He is nice and pretty clean (which you all know is a selling point for roommates) and he helps out around the house. He is having some delay in finding a job, but other than that I don't think we could have found for a better roommate.

He lived in Reno then moved back east to Virginia to stay with relatives last year. We've been talking to him for some time about living here with us and he was planning on moving, but the actual move kept getting delayed. So on spring break (March) Mike flew out there and they drove back together along with Nick's 2 cats.

This is Shino, "warrior princess"

And this is Moe, overtaking one of Ando's beds.

We had to find a safe place for kitty food and kitty poop so the cat bowls and cat box stay in our storage room with this awesome gate to block Ando out, but still lets the cats get through.
(This dang gate is ridiculously high, I can't tell you how many bruises I sustained climbing over it to do laundry, but I do think I'm getting better at my high stepping abilities.)

Can you see Ando on the other side? He hates this gate. He sticks his whole head through the cat hole to follow me or the cats but his head is about all that will fit, I'm pretty sure it will get stuck one day. (Don't worry, I will take pics and blog about this incident when it occurs, it will be worth a good laugh).

As most of you know I love cats. Cats get a bad rep. And the bullshit excuse that "I'm allergic to cats" doesn't fly in my book. Take some zyrtec and get over it, lots of people with allergies OWN cats so that cant be an excuse for not liking cats. I'll admit that cats can be stuck up. They do what they want, when they want to do it. I think that's why most people don't like cats. But if you take the time to get to know them, they are great. They are smart and interactive. I play with these cats all the time.
Moe and Shino are a little out of control, or maybe I've just forgot how much cats are into Everything:
  • I had a bowl of cheese on the counter and Shino decided to eat my cheese right out of the bowl
  • Moe is constantly flinging water out of the toilet when the seat gets left up
  • Shino was flipping items off my desk so Ando could (and did) chew them up
  • Moe was drinking water out of a cup on my dresser the other day (his whole head was inside the cup) Don't worry he had 3 full water bowls accessible to him in the house, but for some reason wanted MY water
  • Moe was exploring my closet in my home office this weekend and accidentally got locked in (for several hours)
  • Moe was feeling more hungry than usual and ripped open his bag of cat food and was helping himself to as much as he liked (as the cat food spilled out all over the floor)
It is hard because they aren't my cats so they don't really like me the way my cats at my mom's house do because I didn't raise them but they are slowly warming up to me.
Our house is slowly becoming pet central. Parker is getting a dog soon. We have Ando and the 2 cats and ever since the Super Pet Adoption I've been itching to get another dog. So we'll have to see what happens in the next few months and what new pets that brings us!

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