Friday, June 11, 2010

Sex and the City

Two years ago I went to see Sex and the City the movie with some girls who loved the show. I've only ever seen a few episodes and they were all out of sequence. Despite not seeing the seasons, I LOVED the movie, I actually own it and watch it all the time. So I was most certainly going to go see the second movie when it came out.
My friend, Trisha, said that I have to see the seasons with Aiden in them before seeing the movie since the previews hinted that he'd be a part of the new movie. She brought me seasons 3 and 4. I thought since I dropped my summer class, why not watch all the seasons before seeing the movie? There's no reason or time constraints at hand to make me not be thorough after all. :) So in about 2 weeks time, I watched all seasons 1-6 and absolutely loved them (yes, that's how much free time I have).
Then it came time to get down to business and see the new movie. I talked Trisha into it one day after work and it was fabulous! Of course it contained a little Sex and the City drama but like all good movies, had a happy ending. Trisha and I had consumed most of a large popcorn and two large drinks so by the time the happy ending rolled around our bladders were screaming for help! We had to nearly push some slow old ladies aside to get to the restroom!
It was an all around fun night! We did decide that we like the first movie better, but I'd recommend seeing #2, it's worth seeing! I'd even see it again!
Thanks for getting me addicted to Sex and the City Trish!


MikeE said...

You forgot to say that I wanted to see this too :p

Bekki said...
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