Thursday, July 22, 2010


I moved out of my parents house about 2 and a half years ago, but up until that time, these were my pets. I love and miss them. My step-dad works out of town so much that my mom makes trips to visit when he cant come home and I'm always willing to house-sit for her. It gives me a good opportunity to hang out with these crazy animals I love so much!

This pic cracks me up, Mckaius loves to give the pets "loves", they just don't like it as much as he does. The cats face is what gets me, she looks so pissed.

Waggles is not so much of a people kitty, she stays to herself. I love cats, anything you lay out, whether thats a box, a shirt, a bag, anything, cats think it is there for them to lay on or in, I don't even know why they like it so much. Waggles does this a lot. She thinks the stair is there to hold her up, she'll sit like this all day.

It always scares me when Mac tries to give the dogs his "loves" because they are so much bigger than he is, but Sammy is so good. He doesn't really care, he was only getting up because he saw the flash on my camera and thought it was a light he needed to chase, silly Sammy.

He gets so tired from playing outside that he often eats lying down but he thinks Gizmo is going to steal his food or something to he's always got an eye out. It's so funny because he keeps his nose out of the bowl too so it gets all squashed, its hard to explain, I'll try to take a video next time because he makes a snorting noise when he eats too.

My Sweet Gizmo, he is so old. Our Maxi dog was so sick and we had to put him to sleep the night before I started 8th grade, then the summer after that school year we got Gizmo. He was mine and my brother's responsibility, we helped train him, and took turns sleeping downstairs to let him out in the middle of the night. I love him. My mom always jokes that he didn't walk for the first year of his life. Well after that, he was too big! He got up to about 70 pounds, so i'm glad I babied him when I could. He's getting so old and because he's so big, his arthritis is getting a lot worse, it breaks my heart when he struggles to get up from laying down or up the stairs. I wish our pets could stay young forever! He's such a good dog.

CJ likes to lay with her head on the water dish. Sometimes she even will dip her paw in the water.

And she really likes to lay in shoes or my purse or backpack, like I said before, they love to have something to lay on, even though sometimes it doesn't look any more comfortable than the floor.

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